Kitty, I'm Home

Finally, Diablo and I are no longer island people! Yes, welcome to my big city life. The good thing is that I have a great place this time, small as expected but cozy. Livable filing cabinets. The most important thing is that I'm close to many establishments and I'm only within walking distance to big supermarkets and entertainments. This is the point of me moving back to the city. I no longer need to drive or commute to places. Free exercise! I admit that this time around, I like to work work work and walk walk walk. Like a lot.


I was absent here on Hive for the past few weeks because I had been very busy with the big move. Selling and buying stuff for my new place was kind of exciting but also very exhausting at the same time. It's all worth it though. I used to think that if I move to the countryside or an island, I will get my ultimate peace. I was wrong, or maybe I am just in the wrong countryside of the world. My ultimate peace lies here, inside four walls, in this big urban jungle. I like progress and individuality. I like silence where sleep. No roosters and howling dogs at 3:00 AM. No howling dogs in human form (so far). No nosy/noisy neighbors anymore. And no roaches too, wahooo. Finally, people mind their own business. But I literally have to pay the price for this comfort and convenience that I'm currently enjoying. Well, if you want significance and attention, countryside living is definitely for you here. But if you want to drown in the sea of people and be utterly unimportant, then my urban jungle is where you belong. So no wonder there are many entitled people in the city craving for importance ha ha ha. Occasionally, I see some irate person in the supermarket or on the road, so yes welcome to the big city kitty! Everybody wants it fast.

Since my cat cannot help me haul my stuff to 12F, I have to do everything by myself. Carrying and assembling your own furniture is the epitome of a strong and independent woman ha ha ha.

My rent's higher of course due to being in the city center but that's just how it is anywhere in the world. But it won't make up the most of my wage so I guess I'm good. I still have enough for savings and occasional materialism urge.

If you're asking me why don't just I buy a property or get into mortgage for a place like this? To be honest, like some of the people here on Hive, I value the flexibility and freedom of being able to move out of a place or country anytime - which I think what I will eventually do. If my plan is to become a digital nomad living comfortably anywhere in the world, then it's best not to be tied to long term payments. And with my accelerated savings, I think buying a small land or property in cash is more possible. I'm bot willing to pay something for 30 years especially when I don't plan to work and live for that long. Life can be too much! My plan is just to live and make the most of this one shot that I got.

Anyway so much for that. I know holidays are just around the corner and my plan is to chill with my cat, drink wine and watch Netflix he he he. Not boring at all. I'm just too old and lazy for parties, gatherings, and stuff and I'm over the whole Xmas commercialism vibe and all. I might attend some interesting meet ups though since I'm in the city now. So yeah, overall I feel satisfied and content of this big change in my life and I hope to share more of this new chapter of my life soon.


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