How Does That Boot Taste?

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Imagine wanting to eat a cheeseburger only to go through all the trouble of bringing your smartphone, scanning that QR code thingy then giving up all your private information. Yes, all for a cheeseburger. I don't know how it is where you guys at but this "weird flu" thing has gone way too far now or at least where I am.

As you guys probably know I have a new job now so I've been busy working from home. I also do other projects so I'm way busier now than ever. It keeps my mind off things. So here I am still alive and ranting. Ranting about what we have become as the end of days is getting near (based on my diabolic prediction).

So imagine when I decided to go out and partake in normal people's activities, I was shocked. Bootlickers everywhere. Things have changed so quickly in the outside world my Gawd! I usually don't bring my phone with me just to enjoy a bit of unplugged time outside and pretend I like real human connection. I hate being enslaved by this little piece of tech but it's more convenient than filling out this stupid form where I have to give my personal info just to eat a cheeseburger. Well of course, there's a way better alternative to eating fast food and not having to do that QR thing every time I enter an establishment, and that's buying from the unregulated Farmer's market and cooking my own meal. Now if only I'm not a slave to the system then I can be healthy and support little businesses. But you know just like the rest, I can always find other things to blame out there but me.

I think those who are "in charge" just assume that everyone has a smartphone or that everyone can write, I mean duh. I see there are way more people dying of stupidity these days but the fear-mongering is at its worst. People who are heavy social media users easily fall for the death numbers. Soon enough we'll probably even have our Black Mirror-ish 100 million merit system that it would be even harder to go around and get away with crimes. Soon enough we'll be like China.

If they want to go on full Authoritarian mode, they should force people to put in their real names by requiring ID or ID numbers into this QR app thing. Or better yet, just embed chips into our brains so there's no more escape. Good thing I can still get away with my dummy profile (unless this becomes a crime too we're outta here (me and Diablo my cat)! I just think that cheeseburger people don't deserve my private information.

You know what's the worst thing for us cave dwellers? It is hard to voice out my opinion these days online or to my friends (real ones not imaginary). I could come across as someone diabolic who doesn't care about everyone's safety. Awww but I do care. I just care more about the safety of our minds don't they get it? I think soon enough I'll get mobbed by my fellow cave dwellers too.

All VIDCO did was divide us even more politically. It has all become political ever since the start of the pandemic actually. You can easily spot one's political leaning just by voicing his or her opinion about the Vax. So now if I say something about not wanting to get Vaxxed or even just ranting about the QR thingy, I will be persecuted. It's crazy to think that people no longer question what's happening around them. But sigh, all I want is to live normally again (if there's such a thing...). I love you Big Brother.

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