"Black Friday" Musings: Admiration, Ownership, Consumerism and Freedom of Thought

"That's the most amazing and beautiful thing I have ever seen!"

Chances are you have had that kind of experience at some point in your life. Maybe you even have it often.


How often, however, has it been accompanied by the secondary sensations of "I've GOT to have it!" after which you whip out the credit card or wad of cash and acquire it, right there and then?

I was thinking about that earlier today because Mrs. Denmarkguy was looking at Christmas gift ideas online and regularly said something very similar to that.

I suppose I have been living out in the proverbial "left field" for most of my life because I can't really remember associating really liking something with the immediate compulsion to own it. Which isn't to say that I don't buy things... far from it. I have just never had the "acquisition disease" I observe in so many people.


I expect some of it may have to do with having been in the art gallery business for many years and being around amazing art that I couldn't necessarily have, often for purely practical reasons... even though I may have felt "blown away" by what was in front of me.

When I think about it, this applies across a wide range of stuff, from $10 kitchen gadgets to the latest in electronics, to shiny new cars, to exotic vacations and beyond. For me, a thing being "amazing" stands apart from any particular need to possess it. I am perfectly content to leave it on the shelf/in the showroom, in all its glorious amazingness.

I suppose that makes me a really shitty consumer, and very likely a marketer's nightmare.



This morning, we were up early as Mrs. Denmarkguy went on the Dell website to check out "Black Friday" deals on computers.

Hers is knocking on ten years old (ANCIENT in the world of technology), and increasingly "protests" when she has to do graphics-intensive work for web design... in spite of a couple of home made improvements along the way. The bottom line is that the type of CPU in her machine first saw light of day in January 2011... the world of electronics has changed a LOT since then.

How does that relate to the "top half" of this post?

The $1100 we just spent on getting her a new computer wasn't in any way related to a sense of "I need a cool new computer!" and almost entirely related to the fact that her productivity is increasingly being hampered by her equipment... and that doesn't make sense.

So... next week we'll have a new piece of gear in the house!



I found it "interesting" that no sooner had Hive started to launch into outer space yesterday than everything came crashing back to Earth, today.

NOT because of anything related to Hive, but because global fear-mongering hit the fan again with a fresh dose of FUD over this latest Covid "B.1.1.529" variant surfacing in southern Africa. The stock markets, Bitcoin, Hive and pretty much everything financial got a stiff haircut today.

Somehow, it seems like the world just wouldn't be the same anymore, unless we had something to scare the shit out of everyone.

Not a very cheery thought, on this Holiday Weekend.

On that light note, I'm going to crawl back into my hermit-like hole and enjoy a dinner of Mrs. Denmarkguy's traditional Thanksgiving Friday dinner of turkey chili!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your holiday weekend!

How about YOU? Doing any Black Friday shopping? When you see something awesome, do have the feeling of "having to have it?" Or are you content to love it, but leave it in the shops? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


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Created at 20211126 16:30 PDT


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