"Isabelle! Isabelle!"

I called her again and again, searching everywhere for her, but she was long gone, swallowed by the early morning fog. I stopped running behind her, my heart hurts so much, I didn't see this coming at all. I thought we were in love, that she wouldn't leave but then she left.
I believe she must have returned to her own world." Damon said. Please don't beat yourself up, he continued trying to make me feel better. I think it's for the best, since she wasn't that safe in our world. Moreover, she did what you've always wanted her to do from the start.

"But she could've at least told me she was leaving!" I cried out. I just hope she is safe, safe from our world, safe from me. After Damon left, I just couldn't help but think about her. I traveled down memory lane to the first time I laid my eyes on her. I have never believed in love, talk more of love at first sight. But from my own experience, it felt like an arrow went right through my heart the very first time I saw her.

I took a ride with my dragon one fateful morning when he threw me off his back. I barely stood up when I saw her sitting in a corner with her head bent on her knees, looking at me with confusion and apprehension. I was immediately locked in her dark black eyes and the locks of her wavy hair. I couldn't move, and so I kept staring at her until I could finally find the strength to move. I moved towards her and in a split second I realized she wasn't one of us, she wasn't a magi, but a human.

I've always been told everyday of my life to stay away from Humans since they destroy our kind. That moment, my heart hammered harder in my chest, and I was so terrified that I felt like my soul was going to leave my body any minute. The voice in my head screamed, run!!! but then she spoke.

Excuse me mister, please can you tell me where I am? Her voice alone made me calm. I was confused on what to do but I knew I needed to reply her.

Please can I know how you got here and who you are? I asked her.

"I' m Isabelle", she answered.

"And how did you get here?" I asked again politely.

"I fell into a well" She said hesitantly. I wasn't sure if she was lying or telling the truth but I immediately had the urge to offer her my help.

I can get you back to your world. I know a place where this can be possible if you would just follow me.

"My world?" she asked.

"Yes, human world. You are in magi world right now. When you fell into the well a dimension gate must have opened there at that time and you landed here, of course timing couldn't have been perfect otherwise you could have been hurt badly" I told her feeling every single word of it, I'm glad she wasn't hurt. But at the same time I spoke so fast that I don't know if she understood what I said.

I would've loved if the timing was imperfect, she whispered sadly.

"Why?" I asked

"Because I wanted to be hurt!" She replied

"But why!?" I asked

"I jumped into that well intentionally. I wanted to end my own life. Been living for twenty years and I have realized that there is no place for me in this world, in anyone's life. Nobody loves me or cares for me and it doesn't matter to anyone what happens to me. All I am is a waste of time and space to the world so I wanted to end it so that I would not come in anyone elses way".

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she said these words that cut through me like a knife. I wanted to comfort her, but how? I don't even know her and as much as I want her to stay here, I know she can't.

Please could you maybe lead me back to that well, so that I could go back to my home"? she said.

I guess she really didn't get the fact that she had travelled to another dimension. I tried to explain to her all over again but after doing all that, she literally gave me a look like I was retarded and then looked at me as if she was searching for my horns and tail.

"We look like human, true, but we are much more powerful then them." I said, trying to tell her about my world.

You are joking right? , she asked rhetorically. So you people are powerful? she asked, looking directly into my eyes. For a minute, I actually thought or maybe not, that her eyes were more powerful than anyone in my world but I doubt if that can be possible.

After walking together with her for a while, it felt like I had been walking with her forever and I wanted to keep walking with her forever. But she had to go, if anyone found her we both would be in trouble. So I led her to a gate back to her own dimension.

When I told her that it was time for her to go back to her world, she refused, saying that no one cared for her in her own world and she wanted to die anyway, and so she won't be going back. I decided to take her to Damon for help since I couldn't convince her to leave. Damon arranged a place for her to stay and pleaded with her to stay hidden. I left her at the end of the day, excited to meet her again the next day.

Within few days my world started revolving around her. I couldn't get her out of my mind, my affection for her only increased, her wavy hair, her beautiful black eyes, her nose, her lips, her everything. Her sight made it hard for me to breath, my heart raced, I felt like it might as well burst out of my chest.

I pleaded with her everyday to go back to her world since her life was at jeopardy if anyone should see her in my world. I also wanted her to go back to her friends and family, since they must have been worried sick about her. I refused to believe that no one loves her despite what she told me about herself. I feel she was just so sweet and kind for anyone not to love her.

Isabelle refused to go back to her world despite all my pleadings and so, I made sure too keep her safe. After some days, we finally admitted our love to each other as she planted a deep kiss on my lips, making me weak and strong at the same time.
"I will never leave you." She said with all seriousness and determination.

"I would love and care for you so much that you would start loving yourself" I replied her, and then she hugged me tightly. I wanted the time to stop right then and there, just for us to forever live in that very moment when we kissed, but as they say, good moments don't last all that long.

Everything was going well for both of us untill she became so sick. We tried everything we could but as the went by, her sickness got worse, even our magic couldn't fix her. I guess she couldn't handle the situation anymore and that's why she ran away.

I hope she is healthy and happy but I do want to know what happened with her. Why did she run away like that. If she wanted to go back I was always ready to help, then why?

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