Five (5) Elements that Makes You a Man of Consistency


Consistency is a behavioral attribute that brings about steadiness and the uniformity of will and character in a situation or a place. It's a character builder and personality booster provided it is properly channelled in the positive direction. A man who lacks the act of consistency is said to be unstable and may find it extremely difficult to have a settled life.

Below are five (5) elements that makes you that desirable man of consistency you've always wanted to be;

1. Self-Discipline: A consistent man is a man of discipline. Discipline is said to be built by character. Not everyone on the surface of the earth was born disciplined because discipline is a learnt and acquired trait that becomes integrated into your genome as you age gradually. It takes discipline to be consistent. You were asked to meet your boss at his office by 10 O'clock prompt and you ensured you were there 30minutes before the said time, such is an act of consistency.

2. Commitment:A consistent man show a greater deal and a desirable level of commitment as these two works in hand with each other. When you're committed to a course of study or manual, you get to understand the rudiment behind it. So, your level of commitment is directly proportional to the level of your consistency which means, the higher your level of commitment, the higher the consistency.

3. Focus: A consistent man is expected to be focus-driven and devoid of possible distractions and negativities. When you're focused, you'll be consistent and when you're consistent, you achieve a desired result at the longrun.

4. Perseverance: this is usually known to be the gateway to a life of success and accomplishments which fuels your degree or level of consistency. Perseverance is a trait that is said to be dominant amongst other pre-existing traits and it's needed for the materialization of that desirable goal you've set to accomplish in Life. It's a test kit that proofs the Survival of the fittest on the soil of time amidst numerable contestants.

5. Desire: running a program on your course of interest or getting your long-term career job can stimulate your act of consistency. Desire is an inner craving for something you want or wish you have. When you finds yourself in line with your dream work, naturally you develop more interest in it and perform optimally than someone who got that same work as an option or out of interest. Desire is great, it's a quantifier and a qualifier which makes up one of the elements that shows your act of consistency.


Not all who lives, succeed. So persevere, be focused, be self-discipline, be committed, desire success, be self-motivated and above all, be Consistent as you never can tell how closer you are to achieving fulfilments and your purpose in life. Consistency is the Key.

I want to use this medium to appreciate @calumam for this initiative and wish to invite interested #hiveans to be part of this weekly contest.

This is my entry to the #POB Word of the Week Challenge, an initiative of @calumam.

Thank you for your time and do have a remarkable moment

One Love from @daniky

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