"Perfection through analysis is paradox" — (original creative writing and processed photographs)

Perfection through analysis is paradox

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| — writing and images by @d-pend — |
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There are portals within these four walls. When you pass between the banisters, there is a discontinuous state change. Take caution, though — the epiphany you find this evening may find you uneasy. Remember those snaking vine-tendrils that creep through the cold, open arms of the fence that lines your stomping grounds? They don't use the doors they walk through to protect themselves — though during a vicious bluster of the winds, they may thank the stars that steered their veering. And how about you — within your handmade human box? No no, do not answer now. I merely request you to consider. Be self-honest.

Do you accept the lessons that meow at you? Well — how about the ones that screech, chirp, clank, whirr, vrooom, and harshly bark? Books and covers, yes — there are many clichéd metaphors which shall be utter balderdash in one thousand years. But I digress. You understand what I mean, I am sure! Now, let us get speculative. Are you ready to be (metaphorically) vaporized, ionized, and focused into a beam? Again, you needn't answer quickly. Why rush? You may just stop reading until you are ready. What's that...so soon? I'm impressed! You are audacious.

Here it is. If, through quantum mass spectroscopy, you became a rorschach blotch for deity to gaze upon — what would it see in you through the imagination of the immortal? Are you currently conscious of creating Self as That? Yes, I understand Self as vapor-laser-beam is over-erudite. Gah! I have overcomplicated the totally simple once again. Blast! Well — thoughts do tend to pile up within the confines of a sabbatical huddle. I will cast them off, then, like so many withered garments that neither give comfort, warmth — nor security.

You may linger within the vortexes, though. They may tickle your chakras a bit, but don't worry about it. It's a feature, not a flaw. Of course you will gaze heavily upon the light blue walls. They just sit there and stare back in aquamarine, holding their breath as long as you keep your eyes locked upon them. You may notice, while you're at it, that the walls don't house paintings nor posters of any sort.It's not necessarily by desire, but more by principle — even though the floor and surfaces are, well, strewn — to put it simply. You can include that observation within the mantra that any perfection through analysis is paradox.

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Original writing and images
by Daniel Pendergraft
— created for HIVE —
published on Jan. 11, 2022.
Writing is fully original
and can be considered a first draft/blueprint
towards eventual completion of a piece
shared and preserved immutably on blockchain.

Images are original smartphone photographs
taken with iPhone 8+ and processed
using Deep Dream Generator
with custom style images.

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