VYB, My 3 millions worth in Naira token.

Celebration has been going on here over the just dropped VYB token and it’s 539% increase after dropping, as it as been an airdrop of unmerited favour. One would said that, we worked for it, that what if we had not staked, that what if we had spent our coins, and that it is our rewards for being patient enough, but I still count it has an unmerited favour because, what if VYB didn’t come, what if plans to make airdrops wasn’t made?


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I believe that this December is going to be great for every active Pob stakeholders, even though the currency is staked and I know that most of us would rather leave it staked due to our respective understanding of the benefits that comes with staking, the joy and peace of mind that comes from the assurance that one’s coast is getting bigger by the day is unmeasurable.

Personally, I had barely known any decentralized platform for a year, in which hive was the first I was introduced to, I have been hearing of cryptocurrency, but have never dreamt of owning one, at least not this early.

If someone told me I would have tokens worth millions of Naira at the end of the year, I probably would have laughed it off because, back then what I earn and get as my pocket money was barely enough to maintain a standard of living. I didn’t know I can acquire cryptocurrency without buying.

It’s not really the price that turns me on, but the generosity of the platform, nevertheless the price shouldn’t be uncelebrated too, because 539% increase after drop is a sign that VYB has a great future on crypto market, and we are expecting more increase as it's front end lunches today 😊.

I am beginning to imagine and virtualize how well I can expand my coast on crypto before the end of next year(2022) with consistency, hardwork and perseverance, if as a newbie I could move this far within the range of a year. Definitely, #hive is a pathway out of financial frustration into financial stability, hive is also a good foundation to newbies who are willing to learn about cryptocurrency.

Celebration continues as this December is beginning to be one of the best December I have ever experience, it looks like Santa came early this year with giant packages that one never even wished for. Lol.

Appreciation to @vyb.vyb@, @trostparadox and all the members of VYB teams. Do have a wonderful end of the year

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