POBphotocontest New Round: LEAVES

It's good to join this community contest organized by
@friendlymoose. We where asked to showcase leaves. Generally, we can get leaves everywhere. But we need perfect pictures to make a great contest. Just as you can see my first picture, it's a combination of leaves. There you will see, Oranges leaves, papaya leaves, plantain leaves, mango leaves, bitter leaves, etc. I took this picture today in my village. Why i took this picture is that, it almost has the same look like the first image which the organizer of this contest used. Now, let's go to the second picture.

In the second picture you are seeing, banana leaves, local leaves used in rapping moimoi. Cocoyam leaves, and native pear leaves. With the leaves combo, it's very charming and that's why i took the picture. At our backyard. I still have more pictures, let's take a look at them.

At this picture, you are seeing plantain leaves, palm trees leaves, and other leaves grown in the farm. It was good to see the beauty of nature, that's why i took this picture to share with you. I took this picture in a farm close to our house.

This is only cassava leaves. I took this picture in a farm at our backyard too. My reason for taking this picture is to tell you that cassava tubbers is widely consume in my country. We use it to make garry, fufu, abach, etc. All was our local food made from cassava.

This is my last picture for this contest and you are seeing only orange leaves. It was taking from our backyard too. I took the picture of this orange leaves Because the orange bears lots of fruits this year. It contains lots of water and very sweet. That's why I want to share the leaves with you.

Pictures locationPhotographerCamera
Uhum village@chichiezeInfinix hot10 16 Ai dual camera
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