Still on the December groove

For no one it is a secret that December is a month that is characterized by being a month of joy of family togetherness and sharing...

December is a very busy month worldwide, particularly this month is very festive for me since 6 very special people have their birthday in this wonderful month including mine hehehehehehe which I enjoyed to the fullest surrounded by special beings who made me feel wonderfully very loved.

My festivities began with cultural activities according to the Christmas season in my workplace where we share with the entire Guavarojista family of the Liceo Dr Felipe Guevara Rojas de Cantaura...

Then, through my pastry venture, I celebrated the birthday of a beautiful princess, since I had the honor of doing things for her, her mommy gave me the task of doing everything and I was happy to be able to do it and somehow I celebrated with she shared a photo courtesy of her mom.

For the preparation of this party combo, I spent little money....

Later, I celebrated the birthday of a loved one such as Aunt María with relatives, a very beautiful sharing.

I was also blessed and showered with celebrating dinner on the 24th in a lot of family union where harmony and peace reigned, a magical moment

I celebrated the lighting of Christmas at my mother-in-law's house which was very colorful, my children enjoyed the moment..

Celebrate my birthday surrounded by cakes and special beings in the image that I show you below I am with my brothers-in-law of my husband.

I had many wonderful moments that if I keep counting I don't have enough time hehehe.

In this way I showed part of my festivities, hoping it was to everyone's liking

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