The true owners of your money.

The true owners of your money.

Klaus Schwab told us at the World Economic Forum, about the great reset, the great reset of the world economy, that we be prepared for that “you will own nothing and you will be happy”, and that is that we no longer own anything, our bank deposits and stocks and bonds, in case the depository institution had problems, actually belong to the depository institution's creditors, not us.

All assets are pooled and serve as collateral, whether they are labeled as segregated or not, you may remember that the last financial crisis, in that financial crisis they told us that “there would be no more bailouts” that in the future there would be “internal bailouts.” ”, a bailout is when the Central Bank's money creation more or less bails out troubled financial institutions.

Souce klaus schwab

A “domestic bailout” is when depositors' assets are used for such bailouts; Paul Craig Roberts, an economist who is very critical of the economic model we are moving towards, indebted and in which no one has elected even by voting, tells us in some of his articles that the loss of property rights over financial assets is a case in all the Western world.

The rewriting of financial property rights seems to be the work of regulatory bodies, not legislators, who seem not to be aware of what is happening. According to Craig himself, the regulatory authorities have made legal changes of which the participants of the financial market are not aware, neither in the United States nor much less in Europe.

Souce Paul Craig Roberts

We must clarify some concepts that we are going to need, the first concept is “account holder”, an account holder is you, when you have money or investments in a specific place that is responsible for storing and managing these assets for you, this can include personal accounts, pension plans, whatever this place where you keep your money or investments is known as an account provider, it can also be called an intermediary and even a depository institution.

“Rights holder”; Which is another thing, a rights holder is a more technical and specific way of defining yourself in terms of your rights over those financial assets that you have stored or invested in an account provider, however, this term also implies that your rights may be limited or even subordinated to the rights of other people or other entities that the institution may owe money to, as they are known as “secured creditors.”

Secured creditors are those who have lent money to the institution where you have your assets, it can be any bank or entity, but with a special condition, in case of financial problems, these creditors have the right to be paid first with any available asset of the institution itself, even before you.

And according to Craig there is a concept that we must integrate into this equation, it is called “dispossession”, the word dispossession refers to the risk of losing access or control over your financial assets, if the institution where they are stored faces serious financial problems, this It happens because as a rights holder, your claims or rights on your assets are subordinate to those of secured creditors.

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Here would also appear a concept on which many believe their stability depends in the event of a crisis, a financial crisis, the one known as the “guarantee fund”, the relationship between the concept of dispossession and the guarantee fund of banks in Europe, for example. , here it is called a deposit guarantee fund that guarantees up to 100,000 euros, it is very relevant because both concepts are related to the protection of your assets in adverse financial situations, but they work in a somewhat different way but they are related.

The deposit guarantee fund is a security mechanism that protects depositors' money in banks up to a specific limit, in the case of the European Union it is 100,000 euros, its objective is to offer a safety net in case a bank fails, ensuring that depositors can recover a part of it, up to the guaranteed limit of their deposits, this system seeks to protect small savers and maintain confidence in the financial system.

But dispossession would occur when your rights over your assets are subordinated to those of others, such as secured creditors in the case of financial difficulties of bankruptcy, failure or problems in the institution where your assets are kept, on the other hand, the limit of 100,000 euros in the guarantee fund since it implies that any amount above that limit is not protected and could be lost if the bank, as I said, went bankrupt; In this sense, the guarantee fund can be seen as a form of dispossession because it limits the amount of your money or money that is protected.

If you have more than 100,000 in a single bank, the excess is not covered by the guarantee fund, which means that in the event of bank bankruptcy, you will lose a large part of those savings that exceed that limit and this is, after all, a way to the European of dispossession, because although you are the owner of those funds, part of your money is not guaranteed against the risk of bankruptcy of the bank, which would be the right over it but it is not necessary for your money to be involved in this tremendous mess to that dispossession occurs.

Also the possession and loss of value of currency such as Euro or dollar due to inflation and continuous debt printing are interconnected in the context of how your financial assets can be affected by macroeconomic factors. In short, “you will own nothing and you will be happy.”

Souce Fonte Souce

Al cerdo que se hace llaman "@sunsetjesus" que le incomoda temas anti globalista, (me imagino que es pagado) te puedes ir mamar 1000 millones de huevos, pero solo eso, yo conozco muchos como tú, son golosos y quieren más. Maldito, no dejare que publicar temas que te incomoda por la estupidez que haces.

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