
It took me a while to get started on this post because I have been under the weather for some time. However, when I decided to participate in this week's contest I was taken aback by the word of the week - Eureka. It's a word I haven't come across.

So I took my time to look up the word and get a proper understanding of what it means. Basically, eureka comes like a lightbulb moment--a sudden realization of something significant.

Thinking back, I have had one major Eureka moment. One that has changed my life positively and it all started as a challenge.

Growing up I was good with my hands. I could sew and do some handcraft. It wasn't something I took very seriously, even though I got admiration from my peers based on the things I was able to do.

At a point, I just stopped because I did not get any form of satisfaction from those other crafts. That was until I discovered crocheting. This was the eureka moment for me.


My interest in crocheting all started as a random curiosity when I spotted my friend making a piece. I was curious enough to learn but she dismissed my interest but I was going to prove her wrong.

The first time I held a crochet hook was hard. I had no one guiding me through so I had to learn everything myself and it wasn't a smooth ride as I expected. I couldn't hold the hook properly and was also getting the stitches wrong.

However, after 3 days of constant practice late into the night, I finally made my first piece and I was so proud of myself. It wasn't a grand piece but the joy came from the fact that I was able to achieve something after trying for a while.

Making that piece and the satisfaction that I derived from making it served as my Eureka moment. I had finally found something that I enjoyed.

It's almost a year now and I am still learning more and developing myself in the business area. I still wouldn't trade it for anything, it is still something I very much enjoy and would continue to enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by ❤️

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