Splinterlands Rewards, Investment and What's To Come

I don't post about Splinterlands much anymore unless it's season ending and there's some big news to go along with it. For the most part my fan base doesn't like these posts but stick with me here! 😁

This post will go over the following

  • Season ending rewards (I always enjoy checking them out and seeing what others get along with ranks)
  • New SPS Splinter shards
  • New Untamed card releasing soon


Season Rewards


DEC - 500
Gold Potions - 17
Legendary Positions - 13


Splintershards announced(SPS)

You can read the full announcement here


In short though what it is are governance tokens that will be dropped over the course of a year. They will be split up between all players depending on how much value you're account has.

These SPS tokens will be used for a number of things such as Governance, offers, promotions, bonuses and events. Now is a perfect time to start stacking up your splinterlands collection so you can get your hands on more of these tokens.


Does Splinterlands make for a good investment?

In my opinion yes, it's a popular game that has huge potential of becoming even more popular. There are a lot of new features coming to the game this year that will provide more value and more people investing and taking part. It seems to be taking key aspects such as alienworlds has with lands and putting it on top of the current platform giving it more depth. SPS token gives players the ability to vote and in a way have influence over the entire game platform.

A investment of mine of about $6,000 has now turned into nearly $30,000 over 2 years and that was during a bear market a long one at that. I firmly believe that gaming at it's core has huge potential in getting more people involved in crypto and currently splinterlands userbase is still rather small compared to what it could be.

*This article is for entertainment purpose only and not investment advice. Do your own damn research and stop complaining when you follow some influencer blindly and take responsibility for your actions :)

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