What happened in the Lab

Hi everyone!

it's been a while here, have been very busy. I got arrested by lab work and other school activities. being a student is cool but the stress is too much.
The major reason have not been posting here is my phone got spoilt during my practical work in the laboratory. Last week I was working on isolation of fatty acid, detergency and foam studies of coconut and palm kernel oil.

During the process of extracting the oil from coconut using the n-hexane as the solvent and apparatus like the condenser, the soxhlet extractor and others. The project caught fire due to the low quantity of the solvent present in the solvent bottle.

Everyone was running, totally confused and everywhere was totally scattered. I tried my possible best to turn off the gas and due to the continious burning, I had no other options than to ran away from the project, can't come and die. Later after like 12mins the fire quenched down and everywhere was settled. I never knew that my phone had fell on the ground and the screen got spoilt.
I was searching for my phone and I later found it under a stood in the lab and the screen got spoilt. Thank God two days after the incident happened, I got an architectural project from one of my clients and it was all about school. I made the plan for them and the little change I got, I got myself a new phone which am using now.



it's really good to be self dependent and have a self reliable job to sustain yourself now and also in the future.


That reminds me, our FYB week started today. It's all about cooperate dress and everyone dressed well, looking good. I participated even though am not really the type that love social things. we took pictures and here are some of them.

Thanks for reading.

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