There comes a day in our life when we have to end all what seems like a life time and start a new beginning. Today is one of those days.

There comes a day in our life when we have to end all what seems like a life time and start a new beginning. Today is one of those days.

A big thanks to my loving parents, they stood by me spiritually, financially, morally and even in my outstanding success throughout. My project work. It is clear that God is already blessing you. Cheer to my siblings, I pray God to meet you at the points of your needs.

I am very happy and very grateful to Almighty Allah to say to myself now that I am a graduate.

I Credence now that enormously, there's an end to everything in life. No matter how small it may be, you'll surely have the result.

It all started from my primary school days when things were so rough and tight, jumping from one school to another due to some reasons which are confidential.

I made it to the secondary level where I never imagined I could ever be, God is wonderful. Things started turning out well and I could see lots of changes in me.

My first day on Campus, I could still remember. I dressed like a boy going to the farm. putting on my Dad's sandals and my brothers T-shirt. At first, everything was strange to me and I asked a colleague who helped me to the Cafe center to make my bio-data and other other registration.

I met fresher's like myself at the Cafe and we made friends and made our way to the faculty of science. Oh! I could still remember, I met a guy when we were talking about departments and others, the guy said he doesn't know where his apartment was located instead of department. We all laughed.

Things were somehow hard during my 100L days, but with hard work and prayer, things turned out well.

What will you do if you were in my shoes?

Like every other newly admitted student, during my first year, I have dreams as well as a passion for academic excellence. I see myself making great strides and winning relevant scholarships because I believe in myself; to leverage my personal development mindset.
I formed a circle of bookworms; we studied like there’s no tomorrow and burning the midnight oil became my routine. I believed everything will fall in place for me one way or another; I was optimistic.

‘What can I do?’ – the question that changed my mindset forever. That was the question that a valuable friend asked me. He is my coursemate and a close friend, although not a bookworm like me. He is a repository of skills and knowledge.
However, I was speechless and could not answer that question. I was just a dream boy with no feasible plan of actualization. I only saw the bright side of things without being pessimistic even though I lack concrete plans.
I remembered one of his words, he said; “a man with no alternative means of survival will settle for anything, even though he may be a first-class student”. At that point, I felt useless without problem-solving skills. I feared I could be the man in that quote. I could not open my mouth to utter ‘God forbid!’ as I always say. I told myself that it was reality staring at me eyeball to eyeball.

In a nutshell, upon that insightful conversation I had with my friend, I made up my mind to be versatile. I decided to endow myself with valuable skills; I sourced productive skills. With self-motivation, I channeled my passion towards building the selected relevant skills.
Although it was challenging at first, the drive towards providing a good answer to that question kept me going. Today, I am a website developer, an architect, WordPress coach, among others.

Right now, without mincing words, I can answer my friend’s life-changing question. Moreover, without panicking, I can live in the actualization of my dreams and pursue my passion for academic excellence.
Conclusively, that simple question; ‘what can you do?’; brings out the best in me when I answered it genuinely.

So ask yourself; WHAT CAN I DO?
Yes, I’m talking to you.
What can you do?

I leave you with this quote, the time is so valuable, try to occupy yourself with something constructible.

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