Imagination comes with a strong power

Imagination is a great power possessed by humans, without imagination life in this world will only run in place aka there will never be progress, be it technological progress, agriculture, finance, infrastructure, transportation and so on, because of all the progress that has been made. exists today was built on imagination & philosophy by an accomplished thinker.

Some time ago I went to a city in the eastern part of Aceh, I met my friend exactly near early childhood learning, how surprised I was by the children who were there with their imagination style, I realized imagination is the heart of sustainability live for them. However, for a child at an early age, the imagination is still as natural as an adult exhaling and inhaling, it can be said that they are building an imagination based on experiences that have been collected by their subconscious.

They swim in the sea of ​​imagination so freely and easily, but for those of us who have moved on to aging the imagination power begins to decrease and there are even some of us who are no longer able to imagine, questions within us, where has the power of imagination that once adorned our lives gone. like a child imagining in front of us. We think it is a gift from God that is given to loved ones and is still holy who is affected by the black world, a world that has not been mixed between milk and ink.

For most adults all imagination power is restrained and they have been directed to the real world for business and other routines, but most of us start to stop seeing ourselves as imaginative and creative beings, we even start not to use the imaginative and some are not. has left it, because human behavior changes, something valuable is considered taboo and in the end imagination only becomes a false shadow in the past.

But the truth is that without the deliberate use of imagination everything would be difficult, as Blake put it; Imagination is the gateway to reality, meaning that when someone's imagination is reduced or lost for any reason, life will start to run slowly and everything that happens will no longer be exactly as expected. Through the use of controlled imagination we will have a super power to change our lives either slowly or instantly, it will all happen and continue to happen thanks to the imagination that we apply.

Failures and other serious obstacles are not a bad thing when we try to learn and practice the inner power for our outer success, whatever we want to happen in our lives, whatever it is, it must happen, it's just our job to activate the power of imagination from within us, the simple way we can start with an idea, we really want to experience and most importantly we really want it to happen.

I once came across a simple theory which states that if we want to make our imagination work more consistently then what we really need is focused and continuous attention, what this theory means is not asking us to do it all day at the desk. sofa, but only pay attention at least once a day to something we want to be real.

What has happened in our lives is that when we focus our attention repeatedly on something we want, we will find ourselves different from before, and of course we will realize that we are now in a new and wonderful state.

The greatest power of mankind is behind imagination, it can be concluded that whoever activates the power of imagination is the same as activating a great power from within him that will create various forms of miracles for miracles both for himself and the environment around him, if we go to see the outside world, all people who are today at the peak of glory are those who have managed to build imagination in themselves, maybe they have spent quite a long time to get to where they are now.

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