When Life Loses Trust. /(POB Story)

Life is good, in fact, it is worth of living, when you have so many good things around you.You choose what is needed to choose,you eat what is nutritious, you go for finding places - that you like to hangout with your friend or anyone that you trust.

So simple, looking at the scenario of it, but there are other things that make "life" worth thinking.

Yeah,worth thinking.Because, the last near about two and a half decades,I have been living with so many things, so many stories and so many miles that I walked,so many good things that came to my way and people, with which I made good memories.Huh, memories,yeah, thats what keeps you stay moving forward, when you choose good things for life.

For sometimes I feel so disappointed for my life and my close people around me.They do want more things from me, but I cant give all of the things that they want.I can assure half of the things to them, maybe half are unfulfilled. That gives me pain,because sometimes I wish that I could stay a lot with the loved relatives, but suddenly I began to slip off the road.

That is the woe,that I possess in my life.It was not about money,I guess I had some of it to have a status of being financially solvent, but I guess I have the point missing by and it was not being to much let go off things in life. There are so many people around you,like that I also have people around me,but I just do not be without loving them,even if they hurt me, mentally and psychologically.

Last monday,I went to a friends house and I called him from his house.He told me that he would help me to find the desired spot that I want from a particular position, but what he said, at the end of the meeting,that made me to think twice again in the mid age of my life to think again, when time comes to judging a friend to go with.

I think,there are not a lot of things that hurt us, some of the things are there, which we think should go off easily, and we eventually let them go,but some wounds of life that never gets healed, even if you apply strong medicines for that, life is same for us, but still it makes rash moments we never want to see-- but it happens, still we see them and still we walk in the life,that we are living.

My friend,whom I used to walk in the streets, almost every afternoon, that he was like a constant companion of me. There were even times, we used to gossip all day and night at the time of vacation, going to prayer shows and joining in stadium to watch soccer matches, so many memories, that you just cant fade away from your mind, even if you want, flashback always follow there.

You know,at the last moment,despite having that much closeness and fellow-feelings, he parted with me and betrayed me,broke the promise that I cant imagine in nightmare to see this!! Friends like him,who can easily be trusted, has broken the promise.That was such a shock, which took me few days to get over, from the moment to the day right now, I am writing to you,even still adjusting to be normal, but its pretty hard.

I walk the street alone, but I see the memories, in the end,for whom I did so many things and spent a lot of dollars,in the end parted with me and broken the bond. Right now,to me he is just like a "cheater" and not anything else.And I walked long 8 years, with a fraud friend,My GOD!! 😓, so pathetic!! Cant express what I am feeling right now..

In the end, all I can say that to you,that its hard to find friends whom you would bank on and believe, the world may now full of fake friends, who can doany harm, even if you did so many things to him.That is such nature!! But, anyway life just goes on and we move towards the end of the long road.

Hope,you could stay well and pray for me that I could get well with the shock of a decades time,decades long friendship came with a big swing of fraudulence, that you can scarcely imagine.
Good bye until we meet again, with another blog.. Take care.

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