Missing Hive

In the beginning of this month I had decided to be consistent in posting and commenting with a plan of posting at least 4 posts a week and commenting on others post daily. But life doesn't always proceed the way we think of it. We plan and we fail to stick on them that is the part of life. This month was one such month with regard to my plans of consistency on the platform.

Writing to my soul is like oxygen to my body. Just like oxygen is necessary to keep the body alive, I feel a need of writing to give my soul the sense of being alive. And see..... it has been 14 days since I published my last post; and collectively I published only 4 posts this week. During this time I had not been deprived of ideas or words for writing. Instead I have been overflown with topics to write. Still I couldn't write. Why? Several reasons one after the other stopped me.

In the beginning of this month, I got a strange kibd of pain in my wrist and hand. The symptoms were similar to carpel tunnel syndrom. I am not sure if it really was carpel tunnel, but the symptoms like numbness in hand and fingers, tingling sensation and the pain spreading to my arms were are similar to the syndrome. Actually, the numbness in my finger started earlier but got sever during this month. It became too difficult for me to type the post. Using cell phone for half an hour caused immense pain. So, I couldn't write much.

In the mid of the month, I felt some relief from the pain. I was enthusiastic to write for the whole week and had to participate in several contests. Suddenly I got a phone call from my brother that my mom was too much ill. Leaving everything behind, I went to her home. She was having fever and had been very sleepy. Later the tests revealed that she had typhoid and dengue fever. I spent 4 days of the week there taking care of her. Meanwhile, I had to go to markets for the left over shopping for my brother's wedding which is planned to occur on December 3rd. I had to shop for my kids too.

During last three weeks, I was at my home for some days and at my mother's home for the other days. This increased my chores too as the flow of life is disturbed.

During this whole time, I missed writing a lot. Honestly speaking, I even had time to write as I am already habitual of managing writing during my chunked routine. It hardly happens that I complete any post in one sitting. It usually takes me 3 to 4 sittings to finish and publish a post. However, there is something else that I have been lacking; and that is the focus. I realized, it is not actually the lack of time that prevents us from accomplishing several tasks, instead it is the lack of focus that makes things difficult for us. I had chunks of minutes available to me but the thoughts of doing many other things hampered my motivation to write.

As a result, what I acquire is dissatisfaction and frustration; because writing is not only a vent for me but also it gives me a sense of accomplishment too. So, I am here today just to find a relief from all the haphazard things going around.

Though I am sleep deprived right now but my soul was craving for writing and I was missing Hive a lot.


So yes, after writing this post, I am feeling relaxed now.

With a hope that I would be able to be consistent in my presence on Hive after the wedding ceremony of my brother, I would say

Good Bye

For now. Hehehe


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