Your life belongs to you and you alone


Our lives or future lies on our hands, in other words, we are are the driver of our own future so we all have our steering, and the way we direct our steering will determine how bright or dull the future will look like.

So in a case like this, it’s every man for himself.
Majority of us look out to others to find out which direction they are following so as for them to follow the same direction.

This remind me of the story of a woman who went to her pastor and told him that she wanted to stop coming to church, her pastor asked why and she reply that she discovered that majority of the members don’t concentrate during Sunday service, she said some of them press phone while some keep gossiping during the service on Sunday. So, for this reason, she wanted to stop coming to church.

So her pastor asked her to do him a favor before her final decision. So, the pastor told her to carry a glass cup filled with water and take it round the church 3 times, without letting a drop of the water fall on the ground. She agreed, and she did exactly as the pastor instructed.

Then she came back to the pastor and the pastor asked how it went, she said perfect, that not even a drop of the water touches the ground. Then the pastor asked her if she saw anyone gossiping or pressing phone during the process, she said no and that she was concentrating on the glass of water so that the water don’t fall.

Then the pastor told her that she should try her possible best to concentrate more on why she came to church and forget about those that are pressing phone.

So majority pays more attention to what others are doing when they have a lot of personal issues to attend to. They decided to backslide due to what others are doing, some will even get distracted and as a result, they will also join them.

So life is like an exam, we all have different question paper, we can’t copy one another, coping someone else will only leads to failure.
So, hold on tight to your steering and drive yourself to the right direction.

NOTE: no one will remember you if you are not successful so keep driving and focus

Thank you.

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