Rules that govern the journey to success


We all know that the road that lead to success is very rough, as a result of that, majority are confuse and doesn’t know where to start from. But to my own point of view, I think moving closer to people that knows the way Is very important.
So, I’ll walk us through some steps which I believe will be useful to some of us.

  1. Work
    The first thing is to work. An idle hands they say, is the devil’s workshop. Whether you are educated or not, the most important thing is that you have to work.
    The fact that you don’t have a school certificate doesn’t make you a poor man. So, it is either you learn a skill or you go to school. either way, just make sure you are working.

  2. Improvement
    So, whatever it is that you are doing alway try as much as possible to be good at it.
    You might probably not be the best but try as much as possible to be one of the best. So, improve the quality of your work so as to meet costumers demand.

  3. Focus
    So it is imperative that you focus on whatever you are doing, you should not allow distractions whatsoever. The moment you allow distraction, you become confuse then you start struggling with things that are not important.

  4. Passion
    Also try as much as possible to create passion for your work, develop interest in what you do.
    Majority doesn’t like their work, they are only doing the work so as for them to put food on their tables, not because they like their job.
    and in a case like that, there is no how they can be the best in what they do, but when you have interest in what you do, you will do anything to be the best at it.

  5. Push
    Never give up, keep pushing until you’ve made it.
    There is every probability that you will fail many times during the course of pushing but there is no reward for failure, when you quite, you become a failure so keep pushing.

  6. Serve
    Mark 10:43-44 says: but whoever desire to be great among you shall be your servant and whoever desire to be be first shall be slave.
    The fact that you are serving others doesn’t mean you are a slave, but when you serve others, you are training yourself to be a better leader in the future.

  7. Idea
    Getting ideas from people that knows better than you is one of the major things that we all need to put into consideration.
    The rule here is “talk less and listen more” when you listen to people when they talk, you stand to gain a lot then when you do the talking all the time.

  8. Persistence
    Like I said earlier, we should never give up even in time of difficulties.
    The road that leads to success is very rough, so we should be prepared to face difficulties. And we should always have it at the back of our mind that no matter how hard the journey will be, we will surely scale through.

Thank you .

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