[Eng/Esp]Paprika harvest//Cosecha de pimenton.

Greetings friends of this beautiful platform, thank God for the food that He gives us, today I am going to talk about my paprika harvest.
Saludos amigos de esta hermosa plataforma,gracias a Dios por los alimentos que nos regala,hoy les voy hablar de mi cosecha de pimenton.


Today again I present to you another of my crops of paprika that I have in the patio or garden of my house, in my country all kinds of fruits, vegetables and grains are harvested as well as vegetables.

Hoy nuevamemte les presento otras de mis cosechas de pimenton que tengo en el patio o jardin de mi casa,en mi pais se cosecha todo tipo de frutas,hortalizas y granos tambien verduras.

These plants were transplanted a month ago and today they have already had their first load. In my village we use pimemton as a condiment for meals, preparing different dishes, also paprika stuffed with ground meat.
Estas plantas las transplante hace un mes y ya hoy esta su primera carga,el pimemton lo utilizamos en mi pueblo como condimento para las comidas preparandose de diferentes platos tambien pimenton relleno con carne molida.

I thank God for all the food provided by the planting we are doing.
Le doy gracias a Dios por todos los alimentos que nos provee las siembras que estamos realizando.

I hope that it will be of your interest and pleasure to continue sharing a little more with you, God bless you greatly.

Espero que sea de su interes y agrado para seguir compartiendo un poco mas con ustedes,Dios los bendiga grandemente.

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