Seed Germination: There's Still Hope For Our Guava Babies!!!!

It was around end of April this year when our kind neighbor Kuya Willy gave us some of their very delicious and huge guavas.


Because of its size, it would be difficult to eat it unless we cut them into bite size. Usually, most people would cut them the same way they cut an apple, but my style is quite different. It's much smaller and easier to munch on. Here's how it looked like after cutting.


Anyway, the main focus of this post isn't about the way I cut the guava, but it's something else. As I was cutting them, some of the seeds got separated from its flesh, so I kind of thought of an idea.


Firstly, I gathered all the separated seeds. I didn't really go my way and take some seeds from the flesh. I only used those that were detached on their own.



I then washed and strained them. This is to take away the remaining flesh that are stuck on the seeds then I dried them using a tissue paper.

I let them be for a couple of days. I actually wanted to plant them, however, I didn't know what the best method is to germinate the seeds. I was in two minds whether to plant them directly or try other methods.

I somehow ended up forgetting about them for a while. It was around the first week of May when I remembered that I kept some guava seeds in a tissue paper. I decided to watch some tutorials online on what to do with them, and so I tried out this method.



Since I somehow forgot about them, the seeds got stuck in the tissue paper. (I'm so sorry)

In the video, the germination was done by placing some tissue paper inside a container with cover, then put in the seeds.


Next is to cover them with tissue paper again. Then add some water for moisture before closing the container and keeping it there for a while.


We kept it outside. We waited for a couple of weeks, but nothing happened. We decided to give it another couple of weeks, but still there were no changes. We thought that there might have been something wrong with what we did or maybe we missed something.

Instead of throwing it away or just planting the seed directly, we just left it there that day and then another month passed by. LOL

While I was working this morning, mama and papa were busy in our front yard. Papa was cleaning while mama was replanting some seedlings. (I'll show this in another post.) Mama noticed the small container where we left the guava seeds. She opened it and surprisingly, something happened!



YEP!!!! Three of the seeds sprouted! :D

It wasn't totally hopeless after all. Later in the afternoon, we're going to plant them in a recycled cup.

We're so surprised and happy to see such progress. Good thing we didn't throw them. haha

I'll be reporting the progress for this baby in my "Garden Update" series in the coming days, weeks or months. So please look forward to reading them.

I'll end this post here for now. Thanks a bunch and see you next time! (^^,)/

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