The pepper has shifted colour! 🔥🔥

Remember last week when I was writing about my 'Chinese 5 colour pepper plant' which was only producing purple peppers and I was wondering what was going on with it? I wrote about it in this post over here.

Well, literally a day after writing this, the pepper started to shift colour and all of a sudden this is now a 5 colour pepper bush haha. How is that of a coincidence?

The first day that the colour started to shift I thought maybe one of the peppers was going bad. The colour looked a little weird and it was as if the pepper was going pale.

That turned out to be the first next phase going from purple to pale white.

From there on from the pale white since I noticed shifted two days later to deep yellow.

Again two days later after some good watering and some good sun the colour started to shift and some orange started to pop up.

And now the phase of red is starting to join as you can see in the first snap. I am very curious on what all of this had done to the flavour of the pepper. The purple version was already very tastful but I can imagine that has a lot more body now and not only heat.

I don't like the vinegar taste in hot sauce so I guess these ones will just end up per piece in a pan or dried in flakes.

This snap explains it all on what happens during the process and also to see that the size doesn't change at all.

Honestlty this is tuening into a decent stash op peppers so from that perspective the plant is a good deal.

But also when you look at the aesthetic aspect, this reallly also might be one to have inside in a nice pot in front of the window. For now it is warm and sunny outside so it is growing well, but to keep this one as a decoration...also not a bad idea!

Too bad that all of these peppers are just 1 season plants. Next year the whole process will start again. But this one is surely a keeper to try again!

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