Unexpected Guests: Domestic Chickens Ravaging Corn Crop

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog once again.
Today I will be sharing with you my recent experience as a farmer. If there is one thing that usually gives me joy as a farmer is watching my crops grow and thrive. Though sometimes we have some challenges that may cause the crops not to grow properly and one of which I'm currently experiencing is the chewing of the corn leaves by my demonstic chickens. Last week I started planting corn in a farm land very close to the house,I love eating corn so I needed to do the planting so I can have some when the harvest time comes, unfortunately for me to find out my domestic chickens are wreaking havoc on the young plants. I haven't experienced should before though I know that chickens do eat corn but I never expected them to also eat the young leaves.



They started this attack just a day after planting. I noticed they keep picking on the ground to see if they can bring out the seeds which I planted. I was so surprised to see that chicken can perceive the smell of corn and wine so I am determined to dig it out from the ground. But all their efforts was in vain the corn grew after few days of planting and then they set in their attack on the leaves, when I took a close look to inspect what was happening I realized that
culprits my domestic chickens eagerly pecking away at the foliage. The harm was so clear, causing stunted growth to the young corn as they struggled to survive because once a new shoot is out, the chicken eats them off.




The situation is really a dilemma for me as a farmer. While I value the presence of my chickens for their eggs and their efforts to attack some pets and control, the idea of eating off my young corn leaves is not welcome at all. At this point I really need to look for a suitable solution to protect my corn without compromising the welfare of my feathered friends. For now they have to be indoors till the corn grows a little bit more than they can attack, this means I will have to buy their feed in order for them to survive and remain healthy, this is just my own way to strike a balance between my crops and my feathered friends.

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