Has anyone tried such? Mangumpay? DO you have farm animals? Have you been like me before? Like me doing crop farming, taking care of farm animals, as coconut farmer, carpenter and many more relative jobs known to poor people.


I am and forever will be the son of a farmer. A farmer who manages and carries out his family by farming animals and agriculture products. There’s no shame on that and I don’t have the plan on changing such in my entire life. Me and my siblings strives to professionalism in exchange of the hard works our parents did for us since primary school. Despite of poverty, God placed me into the me now who He thinks doesn’t change attitudes. And I am forever grateful on that. Such work is my routine since I was 9 years old. I am happy everytime I do that as such can be considered as my exercise daily and also an adventure for me for I discover snakes and other insects or bugs. Such is already an adventure for me. I go to random neighboring areas just to get forage scorching, delving dangerous hilan (narrow) or lupot (isolated) areas.

Now my friends, let me share to you the significance of forage in farm animals than commercial feeds. It is very known nowadays that commercial feeds are easier to get because profitability matters. But let me tell you that forage of tree or plant leaf including hays which is mainly consumed by herbivores is still the best. Kumpay or Forage can be defined as any plant typically leaves consumed like grasses, legumes, and other herbaceous plants. For my goats, I prefer forage for it is nutritious, free, sustainable and is abundant in my area. Forage has the nutrients necessary for the well-being, energy, supporting growth, reproduction and lactation. Forage is very cost effective for it is free especially in our remote area where roughage is abundant anywhere. Leftover forage is very good for the ecosystem. It improves the fibers in the manure which in turn very good in gardening fertilizers. In short, no damaging of nature includes.


Today, as you can see on the image above, I am getting jackfruit leaves for my goats. Sometimes and randomly, I get An-an, pag-ulingon, kanaka, balili, Germilina, avocado, corn, cassava, sweet potato, and madre cacao leaves as my forage. They love these very much. That basket I carry is called bukag. A typical basket purposively made for such job. Well It’s not that heavy as you think. It’s only leaves anyway.

This is me and I am proud to say that I am too a farmer forever.
Thanks friend for reading till here. See you soon on my adventures.
I'm hoping to catch snakes soon to share to you.


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