My Clean Planet Activity For 30th Day of September||Water pollution and its negative effects on Human beings.

I want to use this medium to greet all great Hivers. How has been your day so far, hope you are all doing good? I'm positive minded that it's all well and fine.

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Long time ago, I was able to visit a fishery farm far long in the bush and the reason for my visit was just to gather some experiences concerning how was I was going to start my own fishery business. Before I go further, it's advisable to have your fish pond situated in an area where there's water supply, preferably a river or stream side. So on getting to this particular fish farm, I noticed that a particular river, more or less like a stream passes through in between the fish pond and a company producing detergent soap.

After long observation of the location of the fishery farm, I thought about the danger that lies with the situating fish pond next to a company manufacturing soap and detergent. Ask me how this is dangerous for the around the place and the condition of the fishery farm. Wastes product from the soap and detergent company go straight into this stream and from this stream, the fish ponds taps water from the stream. You can see what the fish are living on and I'm talking about fish that people are going to consume at later time when they reach harvest.

Aside that, there are lot of people who are beneficial of this particular stream without knowing that it's been messed up by the detergent company considering the lot of waste and chemicals that are coming out into the stream. Water pollution is another human being activity that keeps harming the planet. Water pollution is one of the challenges that makes keeping the planet safe difficult.

Thanks for stopping by to view my blog. Please do have a wonderful day ahead.@peterale cares🤭

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