Cold. Aboniki. Cleanplanet

For three days now, the weather have been really bad. It has been raining for three days straight. Every day, it stops for@ few hours, then resume from where it stopped.

The weather is really cold and according to Google, it will still rain tomorrow. I don't know if Google is trying to kill my joy, or something, but then, I just hope for the rain to stop because I'm already ill. I'm having runny nose and just managing to breathe with one nose, as my other nose is blocked.

I have been indoors throughout today. Though, despite the cold and rain, I had to go to work yesterday. It was a stressful shift. The cold didn't make it any better as cold breeze kept entering my lungs, even though I was wearing a face mask.

I guess I will have to try out my mom's remedy for cold. The good old Aboniki balm. Aboniki is used by my mom for different purpose.

Dislocate your ankle? Aboniki will repair it. Having a runny nose? Aboniki will stop it. Having a headache? Lets call on the power of Aboniki balm. Even when you can't sleep, just rub it on your body, and you get a good and nice sleep.
This is my mom's belief. She believe that Aboniki is the solution to everything.

Though, aboniki, helps with somethings, I don't think it is very safe for internal use, like putting in the nose to cure runny nose.

Anyways, enough talk about cold and aboniki. I did my clean planet activity today. Took some pictures while at it.

Thank you

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