Evening Cleanup 03/06/2024

Hello friends,

it's june already, a new month to keep cleaning and improving the quality of our surrounding. Did you know there's an indescribable feeling that comes with performing acts of kindness? Not just random acts of kindness, but ones you do with your whole heart, which nobody can pay you or reward you for?. You just want to do it because it is the right thing to do, not minding if there are rewards for it. It makes me very happy when I contribute to sustaining our environment.

The comments and commendations from people make me even happier, and I feel satisfied knowing that there are people who notice the little efforts I am making to keep things clean. I hope that one day, they join in doing so and even create awareness for others to join in, making our planet a better place to live.

Anyway, I didn't have the opportunity to head out in the morning to do some cleaning, but I did it this evening after completing my chores and tasks. It's better that I did it this evening than not cleaning at all. I also took some pictures while going around the streets picking up litter. Check out some of them below.


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