Hello everyone, welcome to my blog.

It was a great day today, seeing new things and new people with different personalities.

Indeed culture the say "is the people's way of life" and people are known with it, most people say that their culture is their pride. So how so are we that this culture's are really worth most people say.

Early today, we were informed that the Abiriba community will be doing their Igbo tradition called (ekpe nkuruo). In this culture young men go around with their stick that is made up of a unique grass. When Ever they are performing this culture no woman passes around that time if not it will attract flogging of the person.

However, on the last day the flog both men and female, this time around no one is excluded. The Abiriba community cherish they culture and their always observe the culture and tradition anywhere they are, they always do in regardless of their location.

So, we have to try to identify and understand what our various cultures are, by this way we can be able to belong to the culture. Some time we don't need much introduction when ever we are outside, with our culture people or a person can be able to note the culture you represent, so Culture is a great thing that will never go a part

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