My Clean Planet Activities Day #19

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog, How are you all doing. It is a new week and I wish you all a happy week in your various places. Monday can be crazy because we always have a lot to do both at home and at work but that should not stop us from doing our cleaning duty and I'm happy to be here with you to share my activities with you again today.

I think some people don't understand the meaning of "RECYCLE ME" that is always on a plastic bottle of a drink because if they do, they won't just buy the drink,drink it and just drop the bottle recklessly without considering it's effect on nature.

I was on my way to pick my son from his kindergarten and I saw a man finish his drink and just drop the bottle recklessly. I told him to pick it up and he took it up with me asking me if he drop it in my compound I just keep quiet and said sorry and since it is not the only one there, I picked them up with the nylons within the place and told the man that keeping the environment clean is like keeping your house clean and moreover we have to always consider the nature before we act.

I dump it and go on my way, the man was speechless as he was looking at me and I know that will correct his brain that even if he cannot clean the planet, he should not add to the dirtiness.

A big Thanks to

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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