Taking Sustainable Steps 02/06/2024

Hello Planet friends!
What a rainy day it was, the streets were really flooded because of the rain all because we don't have a good drainage system over here. It was absolutely disgusting to keep putting my feet in the dirty water each time I had to go out. It can be quite saddening that a lot of people take that opportunity to dump all there wastes into the stagnant water. Not only is this very dangerous to our health, it can provide a breeding space for mosquitoes, that will bite us in turn and give us malaria.

Our health should be paramount in whatever we choose to do. We should always consider the adverse effects those wastes will have on us in the long run and avoid disposing waste how ever we like. Instead, it would be better if people channel that energy into something more productive like taking walks round the streets and helping the environment clean. Picking up rubbish is a sustainable practice that would be beneficial for the entire ecosystem. Therefore, pick up your trash bucket and take those steps today. Here is how my today's cleaning went.


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