Kindness And Ingratitude.

It's just sad how someone will go all the way to help another person out in a time of need and the person doesn't even acknowledge the kind deed. It's true that most people are always ready to help other without expecting praises, but it's just nice to know that someone actually values what you did for them. And simply saying "thank you,", can go a long way in showing someone that you are really grateful. One of the worst feelings ever is putting all your efforts, makes significant sacrifices and spending even resources just to help someone only to meet complaints.

At some point, I have people who I have helped in one way or another totally making me regret why I even helped them in the first place. Sometimes they even make me question if it is actually worth it to be kind. There's this particular friend I used to have some time ago who had that attitude. For her, she always feels entitled to my help. If she needs financial assistance, she'll expect that I never say no to her request. If she needs someone covering up for her in class, I'm always the one to do it, I can't say to if I am in position to help. But here's the thing, each time I help her, she always feels like it's something I'm supposed to do hence she rarely ever says "thank you" or show it. You'll always hear something along the lines of "what you did wasn't such a big deal" or maybe when I tell her that she never appreciates what people do for her, she'll be like "you always want to be worshipped for every little thing you do for someone".

I don't always want to be worshipped, I don't even need the worship. However, even kids of 5 years know how to be grateful more than she is. It literally baffles me to hear someone say that. I don't understand why she like to discredit the effort people put in helping her out. It got me thinking, if you considered something as "small" and "not a big deal", why would you want to someone to do it for you? A lot of times, I try to ignore her and conclude that she just likes playing around so it wasn't anything serious but it kept happening.

I can't forget this one time she went sick and of course as a friend, I still wanted to be there for her and help in anyway I could. I knew it would be hard to her to take care of herself plus the chores at home too. So I went visiting one day and I saw how messy the entire place was, out of impulse I decided to clear he space and fix her room for her. I spent quite a lot of time getting things in the order I thought it was supposed to be. At the end of it all, the entire place was clean enough to allow fresh air in.

She did say I did well but when someone is dissatisfied with what you did, it'll show. It wasn't long till she complaining about how I displaced all her items. Stating that she did like where I kept this one and that one and that one. She even added that I should have just left everything the way it was instead of giving her additional work to do. I didn't know how to react, I concluded maybe she's upset or something but she couldn't stop complaining.

Although her reaction was disheartening, it made me think twice about ever helping her again but on the other way round, I know I wasn't doing what I do to receive the thanks and praises. I genuinely wanted to help, so it doesn't matter if she acknowledges it or not. While it's nice to be appreciated, true happiness is knowing you did something useful even if you weren't acknowledged. Kindness isn't a waste no matter the outcome. I never stopped helping my friend as I always had but I just stopped expecting the 'thanks' in return.
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