Cleaning Diary 18/05/2024

Hello Planet Lovers! Saturdays are for cleaning, let me say extra cleaning. Today is usually a busy day for me at home. Today started off a lazy for me so to say haha, I didn't even feel like picking up any pin. Nevertheless, I still got and grabbed my bucket for a walk around the streets. No matter how much we don't want to do anything, we still have to own up some responsibility in taking care of the planet.

A lot of dirt have been stuck under the soil because of the much rain over the past days. I needed to use some stick to get them out and dispose them properly. People should invest less in non biodegradable materials. These wraps just get stuck and creates a mess all over the place. Better still, littering should just be avoided as much as possible. We can do more in helping to keep the environment dirt free.

The work to keep the Earth cleaner and greener is a never ending one. We will continue in engage in these sustainable practices, taking those littles steps everyday to ensure we achieved the desired results. Till then, keep cleaning friends, a green Earth will be here some day.
Take a look at my activities through the streets;


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