It is a Chronic Addiction

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Naturally, I have never been a fan of bringing this amount of money to earn this amount of money, I have always seen them as a Ponzi scheme even though some of them are not but the few ones are just about 1% and so far so good, my instincts about this sort of thing have always been right.

I can not understand the belief behind staking my money (a huge amount) for a game that you have no idea if it will win or not and how they go on months believing that one day they will win and get rewarded for all their losses in a very big way. I can not stand people who gamble, even though I can not tell them what to do with their money, but it is better for both of us afar off, not as acquaintances or even friends because I don't keep such friends.

I should say that I have been lucky not to have a close person or family member, involved in gambling even though the reward or compensation we usually hear people talk about is indeed always tempting, I still despise gambling. I was lucky to be brought up in an environment where gambling became the other of the day not just for men who we all thought were the only ones who were involved or should be involved in gambling but I also watched women neck-deep into desperation for money.

Most times, I watch the families of these people who are soul-buried into this game live in poverty and constant pain because the money that was supposed to be meant for feeding and taking care of themselves is being used for gambling and these set of people find nothing doing that. I mean, their belief in winning one day is so strong like a solid pillar of a house that can not be moved regardless of the storm and heavy downpour.

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A friend told me how he met a tricycle rider in a gambling shop one of those days we had no light and he decided to go to the gambling shop to charge his phone since they use Solar. When he got talking with the tricycle rider, the man said that he always made sure he came to the gambling shop every day before he went back home to meet his family.

I remember another story about a man who needed to buy a phone but already had half of the actual amount of the phone he wanted to buy, and in a quest to get the full balance, he went into a gambling shop and gambled the money he had on him and he went back home with nothing. When I heard the story, I was so angry at the person who had done the act and felt like seeing the person so I could give him a piece of my mind.

Gambling is a big NO for me, although I don't hate people who do it because it is their life but I try as much as possible to keep away from such people because I don't understand the logic behind their beliefs and respect it. Gambling is an addiction, there is a spirit behind it and I do know that once you start it, there is no going back, it takes the grace of God and push, self-determination, or maybe counseling to detach from it.

Gamblers don't mind going broke and hungry just to fulfill their cravings for gambling, the same way smokers find it hard to stop smoking no matter how hard they try. The difference between a smoker and a gambler is that gambling does not affect your lungs directly but gambling affects your finances which in turn affects you, especially when you decide to constantly go hungry to fulfill your desire to gamble.

Thank you for reading through!!!

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