It's 9 months into the year.
Tell us, how has the yea been for you? whats your major accomplishment? what do you think that you need to work on?
talk in as much detail as possible

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2023 came and went by in a giffy. some people got what they want, and some people, could not get their heart desire. other people were procrastinating all through the year.

The year has been going smoothly, not as planned, but i thank God for everything.

I was happy when i saw the new year. My happiness began to fade after a while, when the presidential election finished, and the results was announced.

my major achievements

After i became a student midwife, i tried my best to remain a student midwife by not being demoted.
Early this year, we wrote a promotional exams, and i passed it. I have two resits but i am happy to have passed my exams. I wrote the resit and i also passed it.

I can't help it but feel a disappointed, anytime i think of how the year is going. Our country is not doing well, and nobody is doing anything about it. In all, i thank God.

what i want to work on

There are many things that i will like to work on, one of which is, hive.
I want to build my hive account to the maximum. When i see other people's account, i can not help it but feel like i need to do more.

Another thing i want to work on is my self. I think that i need to embark on a journey of self discovery to fully understand my self.

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