Cleaning post for 16/9/2024

Today is 16th of September 2024. I had in mind if taking my child to school today not knowing it was a public holidays. Dont mind me i dont always listen to news. Since theirs no school, i had to get myself engaged with other things which includes mining of crypto, cooking and cleaning. After attending to the chores, i left for cleaning exercises and at the same time take pictures of clouds for my inloe threadcast. But unfortunately, i wasn't able to host the threadcast because i was i was nocked out by network coverage. Even my post i couldn't make it immediately. I decided to loosen my hair since am tired of it in other to be free. My cousin and my daughter assisted me in doing that and after that, they went to the Christian meetings.

I didn't go with them because i wasn't feeling fine. I didn't want to go out with my poor health. But currently feeling a bit better. Their are many opportunities to earn money this year. And am really working hard to become financially stable due to the part of the world i found myself. So, no matter how ill health i am, i still work hard to drop a post here every day. Thanks for your continuous support @cleanplanet, @cleanyourcity, @solarisfuture.

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