My Cleaning Activity for Today (03/04/024)

Greetings to my dear clean friends of the @cleanplanet community. I hope we are all doing well. Let's never forget to always do things to make ourselves happy all the time.

Today is great for me as I ate my favorite meal,fried rice, fried chicken,fried plantains and salad. My cleaning activity today was done with great joy derived from the meal. As usual, I picked up my picking bag and glove and left for my cleaning exercise.

Today I started cleaning activity from the Broad Minds Academy,the school I once worked as a Mathematics teacher. I did the picking exercise from the school down to our area transformer.

At the transformer, I saw a lot of broken glass bottles of drinks and glass cups. I didn't see any plastic bottles as I now learned that people pick plastic bottles and sell them for recycling. I was told that five bottles worth fifty naira (approximately 0.05 dollars) and so people have seen an opportunity to make money by picking up plastic bottles. I wish this people would also understand the need to keep their planet clean and not only to have money in their bag. While walking down from the school, I picked up wraps of snacks such as sachet water, bread, yogurt and food packs. This simply means that most of those garbage must have been coming from the school pupils.
I considered them lucky for having to clean up their mess and I am sure they would be happy to see a clean frontage when they resume school activities.

After the picking up of glass bottles and some other wraps there at the transformer area, I headed to the disposal site.

The legal disposal site is much closer to this transformer area than the usual bags I dispose of my pickups. I disposed of the bag properly and left.

When I arrived home, I washed my gloves and hung it outside to dry against the next cleaning activity. So this is just a detailed story of how my cleaning activity went through.

I must never forget to appreciate @cleanplanet, @solarisfuture @cleanyourcity for their major support and to others who find time to visit my write up, I love you all😍😍😍😍.

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