If Local Fire Fighters Fight Fire: This Guy Creates Them

The state is too damn big. New California will encompass all the forest land and san diego plus we will have private fire debts run on rational self interested blockchain hive eosio insurance policies...... just like @mughat suggested years ago ... because the inefficient collectivist state cannot manage forests and ... even worse.... they're open to bribes from. Foreign powers to literally miss manage the forests on purpose

In the cold War this is something we would have done to an adversary if we could.... infiltrate the local and state politics and install key players in key positions of not influence but cartel style takeover of the very blue job jobs that pull the levers of logistics.... like hey here's some monero go fly some extra fire planes and cause some "controlled burns"

Haha that logo is sus

Is that the laser they user to cause fires? Lol not funny

Bye bye newsom...unless California's mail in ballot system is completely fucked and worse than Arizona hahahahaha

Then how do we even recall or elect who we want? They made our elections into a Chinese ccp stake based justin sun centralized steem election scam lol

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