How To Create and List a Token for Tipit! + Want SAND on tipcc? Its already on tipit for discord telegram and twitter tips! But let me kNow! We can have Tipcc SAND for streamlabs youtube video donations!

If you have a steem engine or hive engine token, come to the discord on talk to unko about a discount on the $200 price tag to list your steem engine token or hive engine or eos or telos or eth or whatever!

If you need to create a telos token free and cant afford the 100 ENG fee, go here your welcome! You can list on vapaee free as well or for a better exchange use ALCOR. Now list it for only $2 or 100 tlos here

Now create a 200 telos liquidity pool! Now you got yourself a legitimate project! You can now have list you free just ask them here Now you can send this FREE token on telos you created, to anyone on twitter, telegram or discord with @tipitbot

I IMAGINE a BIG SAND network for streamlabs of people tipping using the @tipcc streamlabs tipping system where you can donate ice poseidon style to a network of locals walking around san diego using the @challengedac map

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