Well, this is me.

Hello! My name is Eduardo Sabino and I'm about to graduate in biology at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul.

The reason why I chose to become a biologist was because of two series that I watched as a kid: “Zoboomafoo” and “Beakman's World”. They were the series that made me fascinated by the world, both by the diversity of life forms, by science and its achievements.

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These series made me have a romantic and distant image of reality, and only when I got into college, I realized things weren’t exacly as I thought they were, like, for example, realizing that there is no agreement among scientists - that was like a slap in my face.

Currently, since I am studying and getting more into scientific topics, I seek to keep changing my way of thinking and to open my mind even more to be able to embrace reality as it is, understanding how life and the interaction between living beings and the environment works.

Even though I find really interesting and like studying biology, I can’t deny that I look foward to graduate soon, so then I can finally work as a teacher – for me, teaching is almost a form of art. I hope to gain a lot of expecience in the classroom, so I can aim for a doctorate later, as the next step.

After getting the biggest amount of knowledge in biology that I can, I intend to study financial subjects to help me achive my freedom. A foundation of financial knowledge plus a doctorate will be the first step to search for a more dignified future in a world of uncertainty.

So, here is where I finish my introducing post. Thank you for reading and I look forward to use the Hive-Science community even more, so we can build a free space for scientific divulgation.

See you soon!

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