Our Suicidity by Velvet Aorsor, my first NFT to be sold.

Our Suicidity by Velvet Aorsor Web Image.gif

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This is a painting a paint myself tuned into a NFT with digital processing, representing our modern day society, or should I rather say suicidity?

While the rat is in some part of the world considered as a good animal and intelligent one, the rat is also labeled as sneaky and cowardly, eating everything off they can but also disappearing that fast. Fortunately or unfortunately the rat as a natural predator, the venous, toxic, lame snake. So while the snake is a lame and toxic the snake may get rip off your rat problems, but don’t let yourself be poised. As the rat has a natural predator, so the snake also has a predator, the Eagle. The Eagle fortunately DOES NOT have a natural predator, so the question you should ask yourself is: Are you a rat, a snake or the Eagle? But remember even though the Eagle does not have a natural predator, you got to make sure that the Eagle does not die starving!

This NFT is my first NFT to be sold, they’re are only 12 available for around 240$. It may be high, maybe to high for someone to be bought but I don’t mind not selling it at all. I charge 240$, so that I could recoup some off my equipment and I personally think my Arts should at least be that much worth.

How ever if you don’t want to buy my Arts or you can’t. Please consider making a donation to a Eagle Protecting organization because unfortunately there are less and less Eagles in wild life because some are already dying starving or being illegally hunted and they are also facing many more problems.

Make sure, if you do donate to a Eagle Protecting or Wild Life Protecting organization, that it is a good one. Not a organization paying more for Ads, than actually protecting Eagles or wild life, if they have money for ads, they have money to protect wild life and they don’t need your money, if they still ask for money, they’re definitely a scam! I’m not working with any organization and I won’t! I just want to make people aware of how somethings that are ongoing, things that nobody is actually paying attention to.

Note: This is a limited NFT but that does not mean I won’t do different NFTs with the original painting, which is shown in that NFT, I maybe release different versions or edits in future but probably not in near future and if so that edits will be even more limited. If you want to use this NFT commercially, we can talk things out, without transferring the copyright.

Velvet Aorsor

Ps. By buying this NFT you’ll get a .mp4 as downloadable file, as also the .gif image.

Buy this NFT 1200x1200px here

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