Venezuela increases the number of COVID-19 infections.

A very respectful and cordial greeting to all the users that make life within this prestigious community, in this opportunity I will be sharing with you a topic of worldwide interest and it is about COVID-19, this deadly virus continues to make its way, in Venezuela the new Omicron variant has significantly impacted the number of daily infections reported through the governmental entities of this South American country. Daily reports indicate an alarming increase in the number of daily infections, with 2,328 cases reported on Wednesday, January 19.


Worldwide, the arrival of the Coronavirus has had a negative impact on the daily life of each person, company and/or institution that help the economic development of each country. In Venezuela specifically, this virus has generated thousands of deaths and infections since the appearance of each of the variants that have emerged from COVID-19, in particular the recent variant called Omicron is the one that has caused the most problems due to its speed to expand or spread. So much so that on Wednesday, January 19, the daily cases reported by the Venezuelan government doubled those of January 18, indicating that this variant is transmitted very quickly.

Despite the different biosecurity measures that have been implemented in Venezuela and some governmental strategies such as the 7+7 scheme, which works with a restricted or radical week and a week of flexibilization, the Omicron variant has not been controlled and is causing many daily infections which in turn translate into a higher probability of death due to this virus. It should be noted that in order to control this virus, not only strategies such as the 7+7 scheme are needed, but also every citizen should contribute a little bit of conscience and take care of themselves, something that is currently not being fulfilled.


Faced with this situation that is occurring in Venezuela with the significant increase of infections of the new variant, in my personal opinion the government should radicalize biosecurity measures and therefore the mobility of citizens, all this in order to reduce the number of infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly stated that we must be more drastic with the biosecurity measures that have been implemented because the contagious capacity of this Omicron variant is very high. It should also be remembered that the symptoms of variants are not the same as the previous variants, for example an important difference in the symptoms is that the infected person does not lose taste or smell, this makes people think that they have a common flu when in fact it is Omicron.

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