All we need is sheet


Hello everyone today is a nice day that I would like to share my thoughts about reading music.

For me this it has been the best way to share knowledge between musicians around the world from a lot of time we don't know exactly when they were created on the way we read music but all I know is that it was the only way to keep safe that information.

When I started to read music I realized that it was in some way like I learned a new language it's not easy when you are a newbie because you have to understand how to read that.

My mind is one way I started to be confusing about that because those symbols for me were not usual but with the time you can have started to read it signs you read a lot on a lot your mind just read that like you are reading a book that's the same way that you read anything but the greatest about it the only way to listen or to start listening this language is through the music that is on it.

Listen the song in the background while you are ready.


There are many ways to read music and the musicians around 10 understand that because for me this is so cool because any person around the world that cannot speak your native language or can't, or you can not communicate with them these show you a way to share that information.

Other example of that if two persons that are from different countries can play the same song with the thing notes using the same instrument even if they do not understand the other person language.


Think about it when you are listening something there are a lot of people behind that trying to make that beautiful sound while they are reading this yes I'm reading while I'm playing while I am listening what I'm reading this is cool just a musician can feel that because some way to show how these are works music is not jealous you can take an instrument I start to play it, it is beyond that it is a way to communicate our language while you are reading that language.


Music sheets are important because of that they are a way to share knowledge from 18 times when no technology was around only way to keep that music from important artists around the world was the only way to keep their mind into music.

Music to have a professional, but that is a big reason that is why a profession because no one can understand an easy way of how to make music easily.


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