New job and a lot of experience

Hello, my little wizards :)

How are you today? I was gonna do some food post but I changed my mind and now I'm thinking about writing a little bit about my job. I finished my first three years of college in the design field. The other two I am finishing in the digital marketing direction so I can combine the two.

You know what they say, you cannot have marketing without design and the other way around.

I am trying to educate a little bit on the side but mostly via the internet. I have some people there which I like to watch and learn from them. I worked before in this field but now I have the, if I can put it this way, a dream job.


I am not currently working on the digital drawing but the application for sick people. I'm gonna talk about that in a minute but first I want to tell you that bought Wacom Cintique graphic tablet. Thank you my bro! It was a pleasure to draw on that little thing.

I am not a painter but I like to draw :) so I had fun with this new kind of drawing. Of course, it was easier but that helped me draw this deep-sea digital picture. On the other hand, it was a little bit weird to draw like this and it took time to get adjusted.

It even helped me with my job which is designing lots of digital stuff :)
Let me get back to my job.


My office is nicely decorated and I feel free to express my creativeness in it to my awesome colleges. They are fun and understanding, also a bit harsh but for me, that is a perfect combination for combining pleasure and job.

I also have a beautiful view from my office and in the front yard we have lots of greenhouses and plants which will find life in our city or in front of some nice home. It is a pleasure to work in such an environment.


So... Back to my job. My team and I are creating a mobile application for sick people. If you are allergic or intolerant to some food, maybe have some chronic disease or just eat vegan or vegetarian, you are gonna like our app. I can't wait for it to go out but we had to wait for everything a lot longer because of the Covid situation.

Finger crossed people, you, like it. I will write more about it and will explain everything to you when the first version is out but for now, shhh. I can't spill the beans :))

This application I'm talking about, from my side it is designed in Adobe Illustrator and Xd which are my most common programs and tools to work with. The other program is Zeplin which is a collaboration platform between designers and programers. From their side, please don't tell them, they are doing something in some program programs haha :D sry for my lack of knowledge in that field.

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Well, it is time for me to go to sleep because tomorrow is a another working day for me. I must make a plan to go ahead because lately I've been disorganized a lot. Planning is the only way to keep my schedule on.

I want you to have an awesome night and will write soon to you all. Thank you again for reading. Keep on good people!

gg :*

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