April 22nd: Happy Earth Day 🌎 (though every day is Earth Day)


April 22nd is Earth Day, celebrated since 1970 to demonstrate support for environmental protection and it is kind of a tradition for me to remind you all that though today is the designated date to celebrate our lovely home and planet "every day is Earth day". There is nothing more resilient and magical than the spirit of Nature and we are all part of it. Today and 5th of June ( World Environment Day) are always bookmarked in my calendar and those days I shout out my plea for our only home. Please choose to care.

- by Héctor Corcín (11).jpg

Today there are a wide range of events coordinated globally with all over more than 200 countries and involving more than a billion people. Those events usually extends for the week to rise awareness of the need of protection of our planet's environmental diversity and constant challenges. The official site is https://www.earthday.org/


Every year it also has a theme and this 2022 is "Invest in your planet" as also the current events of the world and unsafe political climate which highlights once more the need to move on to a green and prosperous future, but it is a good occasion to wonder what we can do even as individual. Sustainability is the path to prosperity and the old models will not work as climate change crisis deepens and obsolete and contaminating ways to obtain energy is used as the invisible strings that makes us puppets subject to the political ambitions of those who still make business of it.

And work for it... every day. Sure it cannot be done overnight... but it was about time we do... we should have done already, long ago.

Some pictures in Mother Nature

I'm always humbled by it...
Feeling I'm part of this "whole" makes me feel big and small at the same time
But so are you... part of this wonderful home

crown the tree - by Héctor Corcín.jpg

We often forget the privilege of such a gift that we have so often neglected.

And here some of my favourite pictures of myself embodying Mother Nature...

- by Héctor Corcín (15).jpg

Urbasa Enchanted Forest - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com) - Priscilla Hernandez.jpg


Priscilla Hernandez tree mist - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com)-2 - Priscilla Hernandez.jpg

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator

late winter into spring - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com)-2 - Priscilla Hernandez.jpg

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