Mysterious events in the world whose definition does not match today!

Mysterious facts of the world: The whole world seems to be a source of mystery. Although the secrets of some of these objects have been revealed, there are still many objects in the world whose secrets have not been discovered. Even in this age of unimaginable progress and excellence in science, in some parts of the world it is still so mysterious that no edge of this mystery has been found even today. Why these places are so strange that science has not been able to unravel them even today. There are also many more unsolved mysteries in the world that have not been solved for thousands of years.


(1) The mysterious event in the world when man stepped on the moon in 1989:

This is a very old discussion. The year was 1989. It was a dream year for the world. The year to make dreams come true. On this day the people of the earth put their footprints on the first moon. Man conquers the moon and makes the impossible possible. Then many opposed it. They say that in 1979 man was not able to conquer the moon. They say the reason is that it is completely impossible to go to the moon with the technology that was available at that time. They think that the Americans then shot the whole incident in front of the people and they also have the idea that Stanley Kubrick was its director.


(2) The HIV virus was researched in a laboratory:

AIDS is a deadly disease. Researchers have not yet been able to find a way to treat it. Every year, especially in Africa, a large number of people die from this disease. Dr William Campbell Douglass first gave a theory, later many physicians supported him. According to him, the HIV virus was developed in a laboratory in 1984 according to the WHO plan. It is designed to reduce the world's population. The virus later spread widely across Africa. Another group claims that either the CIA or the KGB created the virus for their own benefit. But due to an accident, it spread all over the world.


(3) Fluoride does not prevent application WHO:

We all know more or less that Fluoride is mixed in drinking water to prevent tooth decay. Again, it is scientifically proven that there are many bad aspects of this fluoride. Its various side effects affect the human body in different ways. Despite the knowledge of a group of researchers, the WHO is not blocking the application of this fluoride. Because there is a huge business behind it. There are huge pharmaceutical companies behind it. Because if people are sick, they benefit. And if people are not sick, then how can so many drug companies run ??

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