Preview of artworks to be exhibited / 個展出品作品プレビュー (ENG/JPN)



Well, there are only two days left until the exhibition. Tomorrow, I will arrive in Kanazawa to carry in my work and exhibit it. I'm always nervous about whether I can exhibit my work well. I'm also hoping that my works will sell well once the exhibition starts 😁. However, for those of you who can't go to the exhibition due to various reasons, or for those who want to check out what kind of works will be exhibited before going, I would like to upload some images of the works on display here.

The top one is "Tree" and the bottom one is "Flowering Strata". I've already uploaded them here before. Both works are made of swirling paint. The actual work has an interesting matiere.

I will be exhibiting and selling a total of 30 works, including these two. The weather in Kanazawa is expected to be fine for the first half of the exhibition, and winter clothing (heavy coats and down jackets) should be sufficient. The weather in Kanazawa is expected to be fine for the first half of the exhibition.

So, I will do my best to make this a good exhibition, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Translated with (free version)

Akiko Yada solo exhibition "Next Phase 1"
Period: March 3(Thu), 2022 - March 8(Tue), 2022
11:00-18:00 (Sunday 12:30-18:00, last day - 17:00)
Venue: Gallery Toneriko (3-30 Ikeda-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa)
Supported by: Hokkoku Shimbun, Hokuriku Broadcasting Co.





矢田明子個展"Next Phase 1"
会期: 2022年3月3日(木) - 3月8日(火)
会場: ギャラリートネリコ(石川県金沢市池田町3-30)
後援: 北國新聞社、北陸放送

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