(Esp/Eng) El cielo que nos mira / The sky that looks at us

El cielo que nos mira
el cielo nos mira, como quien cuenta su mejor secreto,
el cielo nos mira, dándonos esperanza para seguir,
como quien observa a alguien tratando de decirle que todo va a estar bien
el cielo nos mira y nos regala su mejor sonrisa

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 8.55.47 AM.jpeg

The sky that looks at us
the sky looks at us, as one who tells his best secret,
the sky looks at us, giving us hope to continue,
like someone who watches someone trying to tell them that everything is going to be okay
the sky looks at us and gives us its best smile

Foto tomada con un Redmi9/ Photo taken with a Redmi9

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