In 2020, my dream was a success

Dusk on the island of Sumatra, drove me to a small village called "Blang Kabu" with my father and mother, also a younger sister who was not far from my age.
We are twin brothers although not twin male or female, we are twins in full.

I am the oldest compared to younger sister.
We used to split up because my mother and father broke up because of a family problem, but they didn't mean divorce, but they separated the bed because of a problem that stained my mother and father's love.
When I was little, I lived alone, my life was simple.

I am stringing world words with a pen, because since I grew up, I like to write. my father used to be a painter, but he stopped because he had to help the school that needed it, since childhood I had dreamed of setting foot with my success.


I'm an inland kid just call it the nickname the adventurous boy. In addition to writing, I like to explore the beauty of the jungle behind the jungle.
After school I usually with friends explore the forest and take a bath in the high waterfall where my dream began, success has always been my dream, Wira is the everyday name they call me, it is a bit similar to the name of the city, but I'm just a rural person who only able to look in the mirror through a night dream, two years of separation from mother and father.

Finally they found a bright spot with their mother and father's family relationship together again, first I still had not met a sister whose face was similar because she was a twin with me, it was very unique I even smiled seeing my woman's face.

25 years have passed, this is me now, a language graduate student because I like to work, and this is my sister Rianti who has graduated from economics. We graduated from "S1" with together, because I studied with him the same.
We went to Lhokseumawe, where my mother and father used to live, and now I am ready to color the world with my hands, the weight of success.
Rianti and I almost gave up, because of economic factors that were less supportive, but we did not want to give up so that Rianti and I remained eager to deal with it.


Blang Kabu, the village where I now live with my family.
A small village that holds a lot of thirst and longing, it's no wonder that Blang Kabu is famous for its creative and educated people.
Even though they are respected in the village, the people are harmonious and peaceful. All compact and conceptualized, my dream ... I put it in this village as a dream that I have accommodated and I have after a long time I pondered it, my family is a simple family but we will still be harmonious, my father a teacher calls does not mean he served as a lecturer should be called when he had to teach but my father could be said of a teacher who was willing to get a salary even though only ten thousand, he was willing to replace teachers who were absent or unable to come teach.

Mother, he is a noble figure to me. The figure of a strong, tough woman who is willing to swerve for her household life. Mother must be willing to go to work in the morning as an employee in a salt warehouse factory.

My sister is married. I myself can only write and only become rubbish for the family, after two months ago I experienced interference with the brain system and my mind. I am not allowed to think too much, for fear of affecting my brain, I only rot in this small room, as well as garbage. But I developed my writing through a little what I could so far, the scribe was always my hope. A hopeful woman who wants to be known to the public through this article in accordance with the book "I WRITE THE BECAUSE I AM".


2019 has brought me reality. At a point that I could not believe, I had graduated with a bachelor's degree with my sister, the bachelor was finished. I was thrown into a life full of unemployment, my sister was proposed by the man she loved, I could only surrender to God , truly this is the bitterness of life that I feel, this little village gives me a new spirit, sure I can get through it.
This work, this hand, this pen, will determine my destiny, I must write and continue writing until time is up for the sake of essay I have sent by post. I waited a week not yet loaded, but write with the word success, I certainly could.

March 2019, the 50th work that I sent was not received. I have many hopes for this work, a complicated journey, but this is a successful path to be known one day.
a week passed, and the results of my 51st essay were published by Gramedia and the city newspaper, and this is the path of my success that I dreamed about.
I might be able to,,,
I came successful....❤🎉🎉

Lhokseumawe, April/ 28/ 2020
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