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[ESP-ENG] En mi defensa contra el abuso y la difamación de @jaguar.force.. #DENUNCIA // In my defense against the abuse and defamation of @jaguar.force.. #DENUNCIATION


Queridos seguidores, de antemano quiero agradecer el apoyo que me han brindado a lo largo de mi recorrido en esta plataforma, la cual mi labor es CREAR contenido de calidad para que todos ustedes puedan apreciar y valorar mi trabajo, a continuación les presento mi defensa en contra de la difamación que se hablo de mi en esta publicación que hizo un personaje "supuestamente" se hace llamar de la C.I.A, un cargo que a ciencia cierta le queda muy grande, para las tonterías que habla.

Dear followers, in advance I want to thank you for the support you have given me throughout my journey on this platform, which my work is CREAR quality content for all of you to appreciate and value my work, then I present my defense against the defamation that was spoken of me in this publication that made a character "allegedly" is called the C.I.A, a charge that certainly is very big, for the nonsense that speaks.



Jaguar.Force today at 15:01
No more plagiarizing magazines.
You're notified, you're on our hit list.

versatilelove today at 8:40 p.m.
whats? friend excuse me good night, i think you were wrong, what magazine are you talking about? and what blacklist? that i know my work is well seen and there is no plagiarism in my content and to make an accusation like you do, you must have objective and strong evidence about what you say, if not, it does not proceed.

Jaguar.Force today at 20:41
You're wrong.
your moon post
Where does that come from?
I don't see a source.

versatilelove today at 20:42
Of course, I accept that I do not place the source of that research, since it is an article I made a long time ago and it is not plagiarism

Jaguar.Force today at 20:42
And it certainly doesn't leave your imagination

versatilelove today at 20:42
What do you think it takes to study, buddy?

Jaguar.Force today at 20:42
Yeah, it's plagiarism.
if it doesn't have a source it's plagiarism
Don't try to "friend" me because I'm blocking you and we're not talking anymore, we're clear, little friend?
You study sexology, not astrology

versatilelove today at 20:44
OK I CAN ACCEPT THAT, since as I told you, it's a very old research I did, about 2 years... I don't have the source since it was an astrology course in which we talked about that topic, and I don't care if you block me, I just try to be decent to you
Just because I study one thing, doesn't mean I don't know about others
Or don't you read?


Jaguar.Force today at 20:45
I inform you that this is called plagiarism.

versatilelove today at 20:45
And how do you know I'm studying sexology?

Jaguar.Force today at 20:45
I know everything about steem.
I'm like steem's CIA.
now tell me

versatilelove today at 20:46
Well, it seems to me you're like a Venezuelan cop, you just talk nonsense without evidence

Jaguar.Force today at 20:46
What magazine are you plagiarizing?

versatilelove today at 20:47
No magazine plagiarism, Mr. Officer.

Jaguar.Force today at 20:47
who writes you every day messages asking you about sex?
Are you a blogger?
A writer?
No, you're a sophomore in sexology
Who the fuck is going to write to you?


versatilelove today at 20:49
that's not your problem, who writes to me or not. But to take the thorn out of your side, I inform you is field work
if you ever studied
when you do field work, you deal with people who ask questions

Jaguar.Force today at 20:49
I don't believe a word of it.

versatilelove today at 20:49
and who are you? God?
Really, whether you believe me or not.
works for me

Jaguar.Force today at 20:49
no, Jaguar Force
Ready, any other questions?

versatilelove today at 20:50

Jaguar.Force today at 20:50
go ahead

versatilelove today at 20:51
I want you to get the proof of my "Plagiarism" if you are so stubborn as to get it.

Jaguar.Force today at 20:51
Think about what you're going to say.

versatilelove today at 20:51*

Jaguar.Force today at 20:52
it's next door
Whatever you want, I don't care.

versatilelove today at 20:52

Jaguar.Force today at 20:52
suck an egg whatever you want

versatilelove today at 20:52

Jaguar.Force today at 20:52
Are we clear?
Oh, and just so you know, you're out of the game
no one's going to vote for you
have a great night
versatilelove today at 20:54

Jaguar.Force today at 20:54
wood rat

¿De que se trata esto?


Xenofobia en contra de las mujeres, se podría llamar así, ya que si notaron, su lenguaje hacia una persona como yo, no es el adecuado, entonces pregunto: ¿Toleran este tipo de abuso aquí en la plataforma? la humillación, maltrato y amenazas en contra de los usuarios..

Prácticamente, este personaje que acusa y difama mi reputación, POR UNA SIMPLE CONJETURA O SOSPECHA, me dijo que era INCAPAZ entiéndase como (bruta), que de mi mente o de mis conocimientos no puedo crear contenido de esta calidad teniendo al menos un 90 % de originalidad como el que vengo haciendo, OBVIAMENTE que tuve antes que leer sobre el tema para desarrollar el contenido, claramente esta en lo que me dijo: que yo soy sexologa no astróloga.. pregunto:

¿Acaso una mujer se limita a tener conocimientos generales? ¿Una mujer no puede estudiar y prepararse en la vida?

Entonces, quienes apoyan a este personaje, TAMBIÉN son parte de su circulo de xenofobia en contra de mujeres capaces de crear contenido de calidad.

En mi país Venezuela, aunque pasamos por una fuerte crisis, muchos nos avocamos a estudiar y capacitarnos para salir adelante, y EN MI PAÍS, la difamación y el maltrato psicológico tiene PENA DE CÁRCEL..

Amigo, le sugiero que aprenda a tratar a las personas como seres humanos, todos merecemos respeto, NO SE PUEDE levantar una acusación sin tener evidencias, dice que hace su trabajo, pero realmente lo hace bien mal, no eres apto para ese cargo.

Con esto me despido, pidiendo disculpas a mis seguidores por este mal rato que hemos pasado, también aceptando mi error de no colocar una fuente en esa publicación, ya que es material que tengo guardado desde hace un tiempo, cuando tome un curso de astrología, SOMOS SERES HUMANOS Y NOS EQUIVOCAMOS, pero no tenemos el derecho de maltratar a los demás y humillarlos en publico, hago un llamado a la conciencia.. @upmewhale, @appreciator, @cervantes, @curangel y mas ballenas que apoyan el contenido de calidad, a tomar cartas sobre este sujeto que difama sin pruebas contundentes de lo que dice.. ¿Si es tan bueno es su trabajo? ¡QUE LO DEMUESTRE! ... saquen sus conclusiones

muchas gracias por su atención, espero su pronta respuesta...

What's this about?


Xenophobia against women, you could call it that, because if you noticed, your language towards a person like me, is not the right one, then I ask: Do you tolerate this kind of abuse here on the platform? the humiliation, mistreatment and threats against the users.

Practically, this character that accuses and defames my reputation, BECAUSE OF A SIMPLE CONJETURE OR SUSPECT, told me that I was INCAPAZE understand as (brute), that from my mind or my knowledge I can not create content of this quality having at least 90% of originality as I have been doing, OBVIOUSLY I had before reading about the subject to develop the content, clearly this in what he told me: that I am a sexologist not an astrologer ... I ask:

Is a woman limited to general knowledge? Can't a woman study and prepare herself in life?

So, those who support this character are ALSO part of his circle of xenophobia against women capable of creating quality content.

In my country Venezuela, although we are going through a strong crisis, many of us are committed to study and train ourselves to get ahead, and IN MY COUNTRY, defamation and psychological abuse has PENALTY OF JAIL.

Friend, I suggest you learn to treat people as human beings, we all deserve respect, you can't make an accusation without evidence, you say you do your job, but you really do it wrong, you are not fit for that position.

With this I say goodbye, apologizing to my followers for this bad time we have had, also accepting my mistake of not placing a source in this publication, as it is material that I have kept for some time, when I take a course in astrology, WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS AND WE ARE WRONG, but we do not have the right to mistreat others and humiliate them in public, I call on the conscience . @upmewhale, @appreciator, @cervantes, @curangel and more whales who support quality content, to take action on this subject who defames without strong evidence of what he says ... If he is so good is his work? Let him prove it! ... draw your conclusions

thank you very much for your attention, I look forward to your prompt response...

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