[Eng/Esp]Electrocuted sparrowhawk.//Ave gavilan electrocutado


Greetings dear friends of gems, thank God for the days that he gives me, today I am going to talk about the electrocuted sparrowhawk.

Saludos apreciados amigos de gems, a Dios gracias por los dias que me regala,hoy les voy hablar de ave gavilan electrocutado.


Today we went to a sector near the center of my town because they had been left without electrical service, we began to walk the line and we found a large bird called in my town sparrow hawk, this bird lost his life because he stood on the line that had tension, When it stood on the line it caused an electric shock and it died instantly. My friend and co-worker had to lower it with the pole and when we saw the bird it had burns on its legs and tail, so we had to reestablish the electric service to that community.

En el dia de hoy fuimos a un sector cercano al centro de mi pueblo debido a que se habían quedado sin servicio electrico, empezamos a caminar la linea y nos encontramos con un ave grande llamada en mi pueblo gavilan ,esta ave perdió la vida debido a que se paro encima de la línea que tenia tensión, al pararse encima de la línea esta le provoca una descarga eléctrica y quedando ella muerta instantáneamente,a mi amigo y compañero de trabajo le toco bajarla con la pertiga y al visualizar el ave tenia quemadura en las patas y cola, nos toco restablecer el servicio eléctrico a esa comunidad.



I hope it is of your interest and pleasure to continue sharing a little more with you, the photographs are captured with my samsung galaxy phone at 10s, God bless you big.

Espero que sea de su interes y agrado para seguir compartiendo un poco mas con ustedes, las fotografias las capture con mi telefono galaxy samsung a 10s, Dios los bendiga en grande.

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